There is no doubt that animation is taking over education, everything from math to science now uses animations to engage and instruct our students. So it makes sense that our students should know how to animate as a way to show their mastery of a concept. In this student example a 4th grader needed a promotional video to get other students (mostly younger students) to give to the charity called KIVA. So for this 2D Animation Techttoo, I made tutorials that showed her how to write the script, record the voice-overs, and then how to animate using the available characters. The results speak for themselves. As I design each techttoo as part of the middle school technology curriculum I try to connect the sample projects to real-world situations, and in most cases I use the charity It upcoming posts I will explain why this is so important.
AuthorThis blog is written by the creator of this website, Brad Flickinger, originally from Canada but now lives in Abu Dhabi, UAE. ArchivesCategories